Aircraft Avionics Experts

Founded in the summer of 2017, we are a new avionics shop with a drive to become an industry leader. With a combined 125 years of knowledge between our employees, we strive to provide our customers with the best service around.

We now offer Aircraft Maintenance Capabilities as an AMO with ratings in Aircraft, Avionics, Component, Instrument & Structure. Explore our Maintenance Capabilities.
Avionics Services

Avionics Services

From custom installations, to line maintenance and pilot accessories we are a one stop shop for your avionics needs.

Avionics Equipment, Components & Pilot Supplies

Avionics Equipment, Components and Pilot Supplies

Our Cirrus Services

Cirrus Aircraft Maintenance & Inspections

Canada West Avionics (CWA) proudly serves as an Authorized Cirrus Service Center, facilities that meet Cirrus’s stringent training, tooling, and quality standards

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Cirrus Aircraft Repairs

Our technicians undergo Cirrus factory-approved maintenance training and follow the Cirrus Labor Allowance Guide (CLAG) for consistent estimates.

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Cirrus Rocket & Parachute

This innovative technology has saved numerous lives and is a key feature that distinguishes Cirrus aircraft from other general aviation models.

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West Coast Location with International Reach

Located at Bounday Bay Airport in Delta BC.

Canada On-Site Services

We are located at the Boundary Bay Airport in Delta, BC. CZBB has a 5600 ft runway and our hangar has plenty of room for even the largest jet.

Land at our Doorstep

USA On-Site Services

We are a quick 125 mile flight north of Seattle, Washington.

Discover our easy Fly-In Fly-Out Location. Clear for takeoff. We handle duties & customs.

BeechTalk – Avionics Shop Seattle Area

Gordon Bott, at CW Avionics, has been wonderfully prompt and detailed with fast quotes and correspondence.

BeechTalk KFC AP

I approached Gordon Bott at Canada West Avionics at CZBB (Boundary Bay) before Christmas about an Aerospace Logic fuel gage, an AOA, and some small lighting issues. He promised me a quote as soon as possible.

He very kindly, and very quickly had the pitch servo removed and we confirmed that one of the switches was broken. He kept the servo ad will order the parts today.

Really good service to this point.

Jeff – Christian Eagle

“Hello Canada West team!!!!

I just wanted to reach out and say Thank You!!   Everything looks great and seems to be functioning well! 
I appreciate the efforts you all put in!  I know that little plane can be a pain since it’s so small and compact with no room to do anything… but I appreciate that you guys did it, and everything turned out great.”

Nanaimo Flying Club

Does your aircraft need avionics work done?

A new facility has opened at Boundary Bay Airport, operated by technicians with decades of experience. The annual ELT recertification can be done on a “while you wait” basis, other services include everything from the bi-annual transponder/altimeter check through to full-panel replacements.

Upgrades are preformed completely on-time, on-budget, with excellent results and professional service throughout the project.

North Cariboo Air

Gordon, Congratulations, [on the start-up of CWA] and best wishes for your new company, good to have your expertise out west.

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